Workplace Injuries/Worker’s Compensation
Making a living is a burden that many people shoulder every day, whether they are supporting themselves or a family. As if working wasn’t enough, an injury on the job can make life seem unbearable, in addition to the pain and medical expenses that can be incurred.
There are many things that hold people back from filing a worker’s compensation claim. The fear of losing income. Direct and indirect threats from their employer. Shame. Sometimes it doesn’t seem all bad—an employer will try to put a bandaid on the incident by giving you paid time off, and even offering to pay for your medical bills.
It’s at times like this you need to consult with someone who will really view you as family. Someone who will work hard to defend your best interests in the long term. I only take on a select number of clients because I give each and every client personalized, attentive service, myself.
It is also my privilege as a bilingual speaker of both English and Spanish to work with underserved individuals who may be intimidated to assert their rights. No one should be kept in the dark about what they deserve, especially when they have given their all to a job in order to support a family.
Sometimes people are hesitant to file a worker’s compensation claim because they just want to see if the injury will go away. There is a time limit on file workman’s comp claims. Don’t let that go by, and then regret your decision if the injury comes back.
Unfortunately, employers are not always accommodating about workman’s compensation. They may go out of their way to deny their part in your injury. And even if they don’t, their insurance company may try to deflect the claim.
If you are injured at work, seek medical attention immediately. Get a doctor’s medical documentation. And give me a call.